Month: October 2017

How I Stopped a Cold With only 2 DIY Recipes

How I Stopped a Cold With only 2 DIY Recipes

As I was cleaning up to get ready for bed Friday night I grabbed a sip of water from my ever present water bottle & groaned. It tasted funny, which is always my first indication that I am getting a cold. Maybe my immune system […]

6 Herbs for Immune Support

6 Herbs for Immune Support

Staying Healthy As we head into winter, I’ve been thinking a lot about how to keep my family healthy and free from colds and the flu this year. We got one brief cold already, but fortunately between taking homeopathic remedies and herbs it was out […]

Catnip; Health Benefits & Growing Tips

Catnip; Health Benefits & Growing Tips

Catnip, specifically Nepeta Cataria, (There are over 250 varieties) is an aromatic perennial herb in the mint family. It is generally used by humans as a carminative (helps to expel gas) and as a gastric stimulant. It is “calming, relaxing, pain relieving, and gentle.” (Herbs […]