
Using Herbs in Cooking: Intro

Using Herbs in Cooking: Intro

Using more herbs and less salt in your cooking? There’s an novel idea, right? Though we do use the Real Salt brand salt, which is healthier than your average iodized table salt, I still find myself relying too heavily on salt to add excitement to […]

6 Guidelines to Using Herbs During Pregnancy

6 Guidelines to Using Herbs During Pregnancy

I am hoping to restart this series on using herbs in pregnancy and share some information I have learned. I tried this last year around the same time & found out I was pregnant with Eli a few weeks later, but I’m only 4 months […]

A Great Idea; Grate Plates

A Great Idea; Grate Plates

A GREAT new idea for herbalists & anyone who doesn’t want to shred their fingers with a grater. Grater plates are handy little ceramic dishes with bumpy teeth in the center that allow you to quickly grate herbs, spices, fruits, and veggies without shredding your fingers.

Your Easy Gripe Water Recipe

Your Easy Gripe Water Recipe

For anyone trying to treat digestive issues in their children, gripe water may be just the safe, natural recipe to help sooth your baby. I have seen my simple herbal gripe water formula soothe all three of my children safely & naturally.

Hands on Herbs

Hands on Herbs

Be Ready! Quick, easy, and straightforward. That’s what you want when you need an herbal remedy. However, very few of my herbs are actually ready to use at a moment’s notice. Having to research & create the remedy when the need arises makes using natural […]

Back & Excited to be Moving Forward

Back & Excited to be Moving Forward

I didn’t totally vanish! Any useful blog posts on the Herbal Homeschool may have dried up these last 5 months but my little family has been flourishing and growing happily! Now that things are somewhat settled I am going to get back to writing 1 […]

Herbs & Remedies for Morning Sickness

Herbs & Remedies for Morning Sickness

Nausea is probably one of the most well known, despised early pregnancy symptoms that many women experience. The term morning sickness is a sad misnomer as nausea can affect pregnant women alllllll throughout the day. It can also be an issue well past the first […]

All About Lemon Balm

All About Lemon Balm

Benefits of Lemon Balm Just what can this delicious lemon scented herb do for you? Turns out, Lemon Balm (Melissa officinalis) seems to be a jack of all trades & offers many benefits! Mother Earth News notes that “scientific research has confirmed that hot-water extracts of lemon balm have […]

Tips for Gardening with Babies & Toddlers

Tips for Gardening with Babies & Toddlers

Growing your own fruits, veggies, and herbs definitely becomes more & more important as your family grows. Fresh food, let alone organic fresh food, is expensive so growing your own is great for your bank account AND your health! The only problem is that as […]

May 2018 Update

May 2018 Update

Nope, I actually didn’t disappear! This is just a quick in-between- the-useful-information post to catch you all up on exactly why the Herbal Homeschool has been totally quiet for a few months. Back at the end of 2017 I thought it would be helpful to […]