Tag: basics of herbs

Face your fears to use your herbs

Face your fears to use your herbs

Why don’t you use herbs in your daily life more often? For me, it’s because I’m afraid. Afraid to waste money, afraid to invest time in something that really won’t work, and most irrationally, afraid to poison myself! Well, today that is changing! I want […]

Why Use Herbs?

Why Use Herbs?

Why should I use herbs? Another good question I have been asking myself! As I begin investing more of my free time (which is limited as any mama with a growing family will tell you!) into learning about herbalism I have been questioning why I want […]

What is an Herb?

What is an Herb?

For someone who wants to learn about herbs, this is a great place to start! When I think about taking care of my family’s health naturally and making a healthy home, I think about using different parts of plants to serve my purpose. However, after […]